Planning and Policy Development

Includes the efforts WSDOT is taking to further integrate TSMO into guiding policies and documents. Examples include the Long-Range Transportation Plan, Highway System Plan, various modal plans, and other policy guidance for project development from the very early stages of planning through preservation and maintenance.

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  • Transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) agreements and policies are the fundamental frameworks that establish how organizations can coordinate effectively with one another on data, infrastructure, operations, equipment, and maintenance sharing.

  • A transportation management plan (TMP) describes how an agency will address the impact of a project on road users during construction.

  • Interagency coordination for corridor management refers to the methods and policies that enable participating agencies and jurisdictions to operate a corridor, or primary route, jointly and effectively.

  • Data management is based on the principle of treating data as an important agency asset. This includes regular attention to ensure the process of collecting, validating, and evaluating information (for accuracy, reliability, and relevance for informed decision-making) is appropriate and meets the need and purpose for the data asset. Agencies may source certain types of data from WSDOT, other agencies, and the private sector.

  • Automated speed enforcement (ASE) and red light running (RLR) enforcement use cameras to detect traffic law infractions and provide photo or video documentation of the vehicle or driver violating the law. These automated programs enforce speed limits and traffic signal compliance to improve safety and reduce congestion.

  • Truck size and weight restrictions are used to preserve the condition of roadways. The Federal Highway Administration sets the standards for truck size and weight, and states enforce them on the Interstate highway system. 

  • A special or planned event generates a significant increase in people and traffic that impacts the transportation system. Special & Planned event management is a coordinated approach to understand the characteristics of the event, how the event will affect transportation operations, and plan and manage a response to mitigate the impacts.

  • Traffic impact analysis (TIA) and mitigation planning are specialized engineering studies that forecast the transportation impacts of proposed real estate developments. They support in proposing strategies that can eliminate or reduce the projected impacts.

  • Traffic Incident Management (TIM) restores traffic flow as safely and quickly as possible following a roadway incident. Through planning and coordination, each of the collaborating agencies can focus on what they do best. State patrol can focus on law enforcement. Fire can focus on health and safety. DOT can focus on traffic control and getting traffic going again.

  • Funding additional or improved transit service can mitigate the impacts of construction. Typically, funding helps to add services to compensate for transit reductions caused by construction activity or to encourage travelers to use transit running on parallel routes.

  • Transit service planning is used to determine what type of transit service to provide, where to provide it, how much, and when. Planning is tailored to the needs of a particular location and helps develop safe and reliable travel options. Transit operations implements the transit service developed during planning.

  • Truck lane designations and restrictions help to reduce collisions or congestion by separating or restricting trucks into designated lanes.

  • Transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) workforce development plan includes a series of strategies that align Human Resources with the implementation of the TSMO in the region.